ipsa scientia potestas est

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Your only source for FUBAR News, Bulletins, and World Events

"aut disce aut discede" - either learn or leave


FUBAR News WebLinks



(Home of the infamous Hooters restaurant list)

Be sure to visit THE NET and STUFF pages for even more current downloads and websites!


Hey go check these out, they're all good!?  (especially the top five!?...)  Newest Sites are in BOLD!


URL (Uniform Resource Locator)


FUBAR News Annex www.FUBARHQ.com Home for the member-specific news of the FUBARS empire.
FUBAR News Corp. www.FUBARNewsCorporation.com Home of the world famous FUBAR News Corp.
ATOMIC PUPPY www.FUBAREntertainment.com Home for the music of ATOMIC PUPPY
Darth M Darth M "The Cyber Kid" Home for all your favorite FUBARian's News & Updates
FUBARHQ's YouTube Channel www.YouTube.com/FUBARHQ Check out all the latest videos of Little Dude and Rabbit!
FNC Film REVIEWS Movies.htm FNC reviews some flicks and DVD's
LOOP LABS www.looplabs.com Free online music mixing - Get your groove on and upload the next club hit!
GAME COPY WORLD www.gamecopyworld.com Get help copying all your favorite PC titles
F-Secure Hoax Index www.f-secure.com/virus-info/hoax/ Before you send that virus warning - SEE IF IT'S REAL!!!
PCWORLD Magazine www.pcworld.com/downloads/downloads.html The treasure trove of freeware/shareware/trialware and more!!!
MINICLIP www.miniclip.com Kill time playing thousands of flash games!!!
KIDZUI www.kidzui.com Kid Safe Internet browsing (including YouTube videos)!!!
Project Gutenburg www.Gutenberg.org 36,000+ free eBooks for kindle, iPhone or PC! 100,000 more thru affiliates!!!
FreeCycle www.freecycle.org Need to donate/unload a working item - try the freecycle network!
Star Trek LCARS Terminal www.lcarscom.net Turn your PC into a sweet Star Trek console w/ tools from this site!
Dungeons & Dragons Online www.ddo.com Just d20 your geek heart out!
America's Army www.AmericaArmy.com The original and all-out Army FPS simulation. - Your tax dollars at work!
Combat Arms www.combatarms.nexon.net Free FPS Action!
Ain't It Cool News www.aintitcoolnews.com The ultimate for TV, Movie, DVD and Comic Book News!!!
Gibson Research Corporation www.grc.com Online Security and Password tools!  Choose "Services" and Test Your PC!
Pandora Radio www.pandora.com Internet Radio Stations that play the music YOU like!
FACEBOOK www.FaceBook.com "The" social networking site - build your online nest here!
You Tube www.YouTube.com This is a "Video" Blogging site and yet, SO MUCH more!!!
THINKGEEK www.thinkgeek.com Gadgets and Stuff for your favorite Geek!
Weather Underground www.wunderground.com All your weather needs in one great place!
Collora Studios http://www.collorastudios.com/ Some cool stuff, including an amazing BATMAN short (160MB or 48MB)
THE FORCE.NET http://theforce.net Latest gossip on the Star Wars universe as well as some fan-made movies!?...
SNAPFISH http://www.snapfish.com Need  to get those digital pictures made into prints.  Go here - Awesome!
Film Watcher http://www.filmwatcher.com Check out some good home-made movies...
FARK http://www.fark.com Read all those strange, but true news stories...
Lord of the Rings http://www.lordoftherings.net Get all the latest LOTR info...

Please advise of any non-functioning or "dead" links.

March 11th, 2002.

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This page last updated 02/24/2021